Tuesday, November 27, 2018

On Future[T] and Future[Try[T]]

In the Scala universe there is some debate of the usage of Future[Try[T]], and how to best encapsulate failure in the context of a Future.  For my part, I like using Monads to communicate context, and meaning of the expectation, especially around failure.  One of the biggest reasons for the existence of Option[T] is to pro-actively handle null cases; and with Try[T], the same thing with exceptions (noting that Try is not technically Monadic, but... it's close).  This becomes especially bothering once you drop into an Akka streams situation with flows where errors can easily just get eaten by the system completely, with no exception trace or notification.  I have one application where it ingests millions of rows, and occasionally the flow blows up, and what do you see on the logging?  Nothing at all.

So - how can you at least address this situation; if you're like me, and like explicit understanding based on your Type arrows; how can you wrap this up in a way that gives you the context you desire:

  def tryingFutTry[T](f: => Future[Try[T]])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[Try[T]] = 
    try {
      f.recoverWith({ case e: Throwable => Future(Failure(e))})
    catch {
      case e: Exception => Future(Failure(e))

  def tryingFut[T](f: => Future[T])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Future[Try[T]] = 
    try {
      f.map[Try[T]](Success.apply).recoverWith({ case e: Throwable => Future(Failure(e))})
    catch {
      case e: Exception => Future(Failure(e))

  def trying[T](f: => T)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Try[T] = try {
  catch {
    case e: Exception => Failure(e)
Whilst this isn't very pretty, or perhaps even very well named; I'm not loving it yet; it does at least give you a way to "lift" non-try wrapped Future in a Try context to lift out the failure case from inside the Future that gets eaten, and allow you to expose swallowed exceptions when you have an explicit Try context that may not be catching all exceptions.

A lot of these ideas were take from a blog post that I found here:

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