val value: Option[Try[T]].
Of course, for my part, I want access to that Juicy Try[T]. without it, flows can just fail; another point in case, the post-process code in our system:
for { flowDone <- flow.runWith(Sink.foreach(e => logger.trace("Updated reference " + e))) catDone <- categoryService.updateCategoryListWithProductCount(loginId) childSkus <- backPropagateChildSkus(loginId) reIndexDone <- searchReindexerService.callReIndex(loginId)(ws) } yield reIndexDone
Once the product ingest work is done, I then want to chain that future through a series including updating category classifications, updating Child Sku information and sending the whole lot off wholesale for reindexing in the search cluster.
With the current implementation and function of Future, even if these methods all return Future[Try[T]], any one of them might fail for an unpredictable reason, and generate a Failure[Try[T]] where the Failure's Try is Failure, and the inner value is never exposed. And in fact, on the first execution this is precisely what happened. Another exception was swallowed I suspect, because whilst all the products seem to have been inserted, the reindex started as indicated on logging, but didn't complete successfully.
Something must be done!
Attempts to do something very brute force like subvert Future[T] to return Future[Try[T]] in all cases seem dubious; particularly as we now have the problem of dealing with somehow making sure Future[Try[T]] still returns Future[Try[T]] and not Future[Try[Try[T]]. My type foo is not strong enough to untangle that one; and perhaps that's a good thing.
So having arrived at that conclusion, what do I want to do about it. I think I'm going to give this a spin:
class FutureTryAutoTransformer[T](original: Future[Try[T]])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) { val liftF: Try[Try[T]] => Try[Try[T]] = { case Success(Success(v)) => Success(Success(v)) case Success(Failure(e)) => Success(Failure(e)) case Failure(e) => Success(Failure(e)) } def lift: Future[Try[T]] = original.transform[Try[T]](liftF)(executionContext) } implicit def future2FutureTryAutoTransformer[T](
f: Future[Try[T]])(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) =
new FutureTryAutoTransformer[T](f)
With that little piece of magic, I have a way to "lift" the Future[Try[Try[T]] up so that the inner and out Try components are handled together and I get a real Future[Try[Try[T]] with no hidden agendas!!
let's see how we feel about that - I've heard tell of a scalaz solution which I might look in to... watch this space!