Thursday, August 20, 2015

Java 8 - Exploring FunctionalInterface

A few days ago I posted a highly frustrated post on Facebook about Java having Lambdas, but not having any Try<> mechanism meaning that in most cases, you're left declaring a try block inside a lambda.  Turns out there's a different way to approach this that gives a different resolution.

Say you're a Scala person like me, and have discovered that checked exceptions actually are more of a pain than they're worth, and believe they actually break SOLID engineering principles, particularly the part about encapsulation.  When first exploring Java 8, it seemed to me that the lack of a Try<> type was pretty bad news.  I still think Try<> would be useful, but there is at least a way to get around having a very ugly try/catch block inside a lambda.

So Java, I take it back - you've done something weird, but cool.  Turns out you don't need to worry about Function<> specifically; any interface that declares only a single method is functional, and will be eligible for syntax magic.  (Though I don't like magic, it's at least traceable magic).  It's perfectly valid to declare:

public interface ExceptionalFunction<A, B> {
    B f(A a) throws Exception;
    default B apply(A a) {
        try { return f(a); }
        catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }

and then your call that uses thusly:

public <T> T withMyThing(ExceptionalFunction<MyThing, T> f) {

and then

withMyThing(x -> isAwesome(x));

or because apparently you can:


This means that if isAwesome() throws a checked exception, our wrapper will capture it and it will be suppressed down to a runtime exception.  I'm not going to debate the merits of that here, only to say that here be dragons, and that probably breaks expected behavior in many situations, but, at the same time can be pretty useful too, particularly in Test Suites, where exceptional behavior is either being explicitly elicited, or explicitly checked against.  Though I supposed that if you're eliciting it, getting back a RuntimeException containing the expected might break the test case... like I said, here be dragons.

Though we might have noticed that now apparently interfaces in Java can have method bodies... Uh wut?  This is doesn't seem any different to me than having say:

public abstract class ExceptionalFunction<A, B> {
  public abstract B f(A a) throws Exception;
  public <B> B apply(A a) {
    try { return f(a); }
    catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }

I suppose it does have the syntactic implication, that the function you're declaring could be something other than public, which in a function interface context wouldn't make sense, but perhaps that should be a compiler error rather than changing what an "Interface" fundamentally means in Java?

So be here yea forewarned: Interfaces in Java 8 may have method bodies!!