function doSomething() { var x if (someLogic) { x = somethingHere } var k = doOtherStuff() if (k) { x = k.something } if (x) { doSomethingHere(x) } }
Looking at this, it becomes very easy to forget to set x, or to screw up dealing with x. This code is all backwards. the thing we care about is x, not all the crap around it.
function doSomething() { ((function(x) { doSomethingHere(x) })(someLogic ? somethingHere : (function(k) {k ? k.something : null})(doOtherStuff()))) }
Why is this good? It looks a bit like a cluster-fuck at first glance. I think there are two reasons why it's good. And I'm going to talk briefly about why I've discovered I LOVE the ternary operator.
With the ternary operator, we have no choice but to declare the result for both sides of the conditional. We can't just fall through if we don't care, we always have to care. This means we eliminate lazy code paths. We can't accidentally forget about a potentially important condition. And that bubbles up to the overall logic. Instead of some complex chain of if then and honestly maybe, we have a clear decision tree. With sequential if statements we essentially create a new clause which I'm going to call "maybe".
To rewrite the line
if (someLogic) { x = somethingHere }
x maybe assigned somethingHere if someLogic happens to be true
I know that doesn't really scan in some ways, because ultimately, x will definitely be assigned is someLogic is true. But, we're not saying what happens after that, and that's when it becomes a maybe. Because there is no code path on the negative side of k, by the time we reach our doSomethingHere call, x maybe somethingHere, or it maybe k.something, or maybe it's nothing at all!
If we make this function more and more complex it becomes increasingly hard to track what order things needed to be in and create a bug because we screwed up the if statement order. If the order is important, then it should have been nested properly not created sequentially, and that's where our crazy functional syntax comes in. You can't write code sequentially in this style. As a result, you have to express the conditions clearly as a decision tree.